Saturday isn’t over yet, or so I keep telling myself in regards to the to-do list I made yesterday that I have not even scratched the surface of yet. I’m a great list maker, sometimes it is the single motivation I need to get going on tasks, knowing that I get to tick off each item and by the end of the day I will have the physical proof that the day was not spent in vain.
Today isn’t shaping into one of those days where I’ll end up with a list of scratched off accomplishments because, I am tired. The truth is I’m tired a lot. How do you know when you’re just tired from lack of sleep or mental stress or when it’s your body’s way of communicating with you?
For me, I’ve been tired for years but I also have two young kids and squeeze in work around their schedules so it feels validated to be perpetually tired however last Winter I felt pretty fed up and finally saw a doctor. It’s taken from early December ’16 until this just this last week to figure out what the heck is going on in my body and why I never seem to have energy and why I’ve not felt all that healthy, to be quite honest.
Though my test results are back I still have to wait another 3 weeks to meet with the doctor and see what she recommends. In the meantime I’m not going to feel to guilty for my lack of to-do list accomplishments. After all it is the weekend, the ideal time to do a lot little bit of nothing without feeling like a terrible adult.
Imager from Artilleriet and their appropriately named “Enjoy the Silence” collection.