Weekend Mode and Personal Health


Saturday isn’t over yet, or so I keep telling myself in regards to the to-do list I made yesterday that I have not even scratched the surface of yet. I’m a great list maker, sometimes it is the single motivation I need to get going on tasks, knowing that I get to tick off each item and by the end of the day I will have the physical proof that the day was not spent in vain.

Today isn’t shaping into one of those days where I’ll end up with a list of scratched off accomplishments because, I am tired. The truth is I’m tired a lot. How do you know when you’re just tired from lack of sleep or mental stress or when it’s your body’s way of communicating with you?

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For me, I’ve been tired for years but I also have two young kids and squeeze in work around their schedules so it feels validated to be perpetually tired however last Winter I felt pretty fed up and finally saw a doctor. It’s taken from early December ’16 until this just this last week to figure out what the heck is going on in my body and why I never seem to have energy and why I’ve not felt all that healthy, to be quite honest.

Though my test results are back I still have to wait another 3 weeks to meet with the doctor and see what she recommends. In the meantime I’m not going to feel to guilty for my lack of to-do list accomplishments. After all it is the weekend, the ideal time to do a lot little bit of nothing without feeling like a terrible adult.

Imager from Artilleriet and their appropriately named “Enjoy the Silence” collection.

AMM was created as a way to share my aesthetics with the world. Stunning interiors instigated my passion for beautiful, extraordinary, and simple shapes. I was largely influenced by Nordic design philosophy and AMM transitioned from a personal blog into my own collection of interiors, things, visual trends, DIY projects, lifestyle products, and observations. As an interior design aficionado, I would love to see like-minded people, so stay tuned!

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