When I was a kid the most depressing day of the year was December 26th. It felt that all year there was this build up to a magical day, one that I had planned would make all my dreams come true. Reality was I didn’t always get every item on my laundry list of gift ideas and my dad would often wake up in a bad mood or we would have to pick up the house before guest arrived later that day and the fairy tale ideas I had didn’t quite turn out like I wanted. My parents always tried to make it special but after the gift were opened, food eaten and everyone went back home, the next day seemed to have no purpose for me, no direction and I just wanted to press rewind and go back to the previous morning.
As an adult I’m glad to say the 26th is not depressing, it’s a bit of a relief. I know now why my dad was a bit grumpy on Christmas morning or why not every item on our lists was under the tree. I over commit myself but truly I just want to slow down, enjoy the day with the kids and make some nice memories. We did just that this year. I never posted any gift lists to the blog, any decorating tips or DIY’s, I simply took my time with things, didn’t worry too much how everything looked and lived in the moment.
Our tree was decorated by the kids, Silver Christmas Ornaments from years past and over the Summer I got rid of a lot of the older ornaments so they only had a few to choose from anyways. I wrapped the gifts in white paper, lots of twine and some rosemary. Nothing groundbreaking but sweet and heartfelt.
The kids got mostly toys, lots of Star Wars for our son and some baby dolls with matching clothes for Elin. My husband and I decided only to get 1 or two small things for each other, some soap for me and a sweater for him. It was such a nice day, happy and not rushed.
I made a cinnamon bread for breakfast with lots of fresh fruit and berries. For lunch my mom and sister came to visit and we had meatballs, whipped sweet potatoes, asparagus tart and apple/kale salad. I threw on a table cloth and some candles and called it good, easy and quick since I also carried Elin on one hip for most of the afternoon.
I didn’t take many photos, a few for memories’ sake and a couple for you. Lots of candles and music filled the air all day and while the kids were mostly in their play clothes I did get a quick photo of them ready for a Christmas Eve party the day before.
Thank you to everyone to has read the blog and continues to do so even with my infrequent postings these days!
I promise one day soon I will be better but for now, motherhood has me a bit preoccupied to be as committed as I once was.
Until then, sending lots of love your way.